Manatee River Garden Club is a member-supported 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization. We strive to give back to our community by helping make the area a greener and more beautiful place to live. We are also committed to fulfilling our community's need for education concerning all aspects of gardening and improving our local environment.
As a member of MRGC you join a group of like-minded gardeners who support our mission.
Membership in:
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Deep South Region of NGC, Inc.
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
Ability to participate in Nationally Accredited Educational Schools on floral design, landscape design, environmental and garden studies​
Subscription to The Florida Gardener Magazine
Subscription to MRGC's monthly newsletter the Happenings
Opportunity and information to statewide sponsored events
Participation in floral design workshops, lectures, flower show courses, horticultural workshops and Florida friendly programs
Access to MRGC gardening library
Discounts at local garden centers and nurseries
Discounted rental rate for use of MRGC facility (after 2 years of consecutive membership)
Monthly luncheons with informative programs
Opportunity to be part of a group of very friendly gardeners
Come join us and have fun!